
Out of sight, out of mind and out of your sight. we sit out of
your thoughts.
And yet you creep into ours -you would be flattered had you thought to ask.
the morning sun wakes your sleeping eyes and we are not there,
not there to watch you strike a morrisy
pose, or play the deablo lost in thought.
Every street corner has a memory one for every time of day I
was there with you.
How glad I am that out of sight you are not out of my mind.
And how glad I am
that this just makes me treasure my remaining friends.
Stone statues on guard
stand still when pigeons fly. a chimney of red brink atop a touch of cream stone mingled to deadened life. A
watchtower no longer you stood while others fell leaving empty grave magnifies of modern regeneration Surrounded,
engulfed a city selling fuji film in your shadow to the flocks of tourists your magnifies draws. But on a grey
day in my life and yours the scaffolding covers us both awaiting summers chapalist tide.

I found heaven but wanted hell
Food is good, not when it pleases but when its healthy. Clothes are nice, not when they express but
when they have style. Conversation is friend, not when it communicates, but when it laughs. But these rules I found
heaven. Spirit me away, back to hell. where I can eat if it pleases my tounge wear my mental state, and walk out
at your jokes.
Asking for it.
The thrill of a midnight walk, along dark roads. Alone the moon watches my progress solemnly bathing
me in white light, far brighter than my innocence. At times to shadowed threes my heart beats faster that its normal
sluggish meandering on life's quite lane. The draw of breath well placed for a horror film, turns into a sigh once the
next lamp circle's entered. Does this raise your eyebrow, or nod your head bringing 'I always thought so' to your tongues
tip? But let those fated words rest silently yet I've not said my fill. For I am one of many midnight walkers limbered
limbed with purpose stride we are undividable and in the heat of darkness you would mistake me.
I see my soul reflected between branches into he darkness of the night. The white of eyes
and teeth catching the candle light. Youth shines through. -my skin pure background, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth,
hair, the totality of my soul, only part of my face. The trees outside are bare, but no snow this birthday.
Traced in silver lines of time I sought to put a person to rhyme but I could not
find her likeness in the fishs silver backed wave or the birds game to graceful gravity negate till in my tired stalemate I
saw a desert sandrose For this, if picked between hasty fingers to sand will crumble at such blunders and so when
once found, cradle the petals gently against dark storm battles, the same raging wind air which carried each single
grain of red stone bead to bond in final womanhood acceptance creating the person of such substance.
I miss you
In the dark of the night, I miss you. Your shadow is no longer here, tall and darkly brooding
your memory hangs over my words my hands dance in mimicry. Not such a bad thing if my mind would follow.
world is beautiful even without you. The tree leaves hang suspended autumn drops, against a winter sky. I
turn to your shadow from under the lamplight watching you fade from memory.
I dreamt of you yesterday, my ghost lips on your shoulder their skin against yours tasting A part of me hates
you not thinking of me in absence so I withhold myself from your tongue exhibiting myself to your ears its as
much soul showing as we can take.
On the box
Never sure where we stand in a room full of mirrors I reach for you touching your shadow living a blue peter
show with no stage hands the set changing with the smile on your face If I send in a letter would you answer
it with a kiss?